of Tyler and Eva and the humorous, touching and wonderful things my children say and do
so read on and enjoy here are some old ones...
29th March 2010: After waking from his day nap Tyler quietly came out with his hand on his chest and said in a very amazed way "Mummy my heart is moving, I can feel it, I think it is saying hello to me"
22nd March 2010: With visitors Dana and Marcus at our house... Dana try to cox Tyler to calling marcus ..Mucus. Dana "That is Marcus but you can call him Mucus, thats what his mum and dad call him" Tyler 'Why do his mum and dada call him mucus" Dana"Because his parents don't like him" Tyler " Does that make his heart sad"
Dana " Oh you can call him Marcus"
That will teach you to be mean to your hubby Dana!!!!
12th March 2010: Tyler on the way to kindy this morning "Mummy I don't like boys {pause} my heart comes out when I see pretty girls" he is only 4 come on !!!!!
4th March 2010: Tyler: "When I put my head down my bottom hurts"
Mummy: "Why"
Tyler " Because my brain hurts"
Mummy " Ooooo----K"
22 February 2010 : Yet another one while driving in the car after picking Tyler up from JJ's (Jess's) house, Tyler says to me " JJ gave me adult juice" curious I say " Oh really what was it" and Tyler replies quite proudly " I had spicy juice with chlorine in it" After laughing then calling Jess to find out about this curious adult drink, I find out he had sparkling mineral water. Guess pool water and mineral water must have a similar taste.
17 February 2010 : Today while driving in the car Tyler says to me "Mummy.. when you and Daddy are not around to tell me not to be naughty, superheros help me to be good"
20 September 2009 : While watching Tony Hawk skateboarding, Tyler looking in awe commented to me ' Oooh Mummy I can't do that on my skateboard... why can't I do those tricks' I said maybe when you get bigger you will be able to do those tricks and he replied 'Yeah when I'm big like daddy' (pause) then ' can daddy do those tricks' Much to live up to Zane ;)