We drive past a cemetery almost every day and 4 year old Tyler ALWAYS says "Are all those flowers over there because people got married" Hmmm and every time I try (in an age appropriate way) to explain that the flowers are there because people want to remember and let people know they are loved. Today when the questions started again I tried to explain to him that it is a place where people who have died can be remembered with flowers by those who love them. This started a very interesting conversation about death and ageing. I always try to give Tyler age appropriate honesty....I hope I succeeded.
The conversation went a little like this...
Tyler" When I die will I become something else"
Me "What do you mean"
Tyler "You know like a car, I'd like to be a car"
Me " Ummm no you won't ever be a car'
Tyler "What will I be"
Me "Ummm (Thinking oh crap) You will still be you, you will just be in heaven with Jesus"
Tyler "Will I be a better me, like a really healthy one"
Me "I think you will"
Tyler "I don't want to get old, are Nana and Pa old"
Me "No, they are still young (ish)
Tyler "What will I look like when I get old"
Me " Well I guess a bit like daddy" (Tyler looks ALOT like his daddy)
Tyler (with a laugh) "Will I get hair all over me like daddy"
Me "Probably"
Tyler (still chuckling and processing) "like all OVER me like on my face too"
Me "Yes Tyler:
Tyler "That's funny"
Wow I am glad that conversation ended upbeat