T was talking with his friend M about birthday's the other day and realised that M is turning 6 before him, much to T's disgust. T's response to that was "I can't marry Madi anymore because she will be 6 and I will still be five."
T says to E in the car after church this morning "Eva do you love God?" E replies non-chalantly with a shrug of the shoulder "A little bit, sometimes" T "Eva you have to love God ALL the time alot, because he is the biggest and the best."
E is our determined little one. I overheard her with much determinaion telling T "I am a BIG GIRL NOW, not a toddler I go in the big room at kindy now" E was recently moved from the 'toddler room' to the 'big room' at kindy. I guess age is determined by what room you are in.
This is the story about two children (mine) and the things they say and do. It is my chronicle of things said and done...as my memory seems to fail me fairly quickly these days...so here it is for me to remember, you to enjoy (hopefully) and my children to have for the future.