Sunday, June 5, 2011

Cougar Town

T was talking with his friend M about birthday's the other day and realised that M is turning 6 before him, much to T's disgust.  T's response to that was "I can't marry Madi anymore because she will be 6 and I will still be five."

Who do you love?

T says to E in the car after church this morning "Eva do you love God?" E replies non-chalantly with a shrug of the shoulder "A little bit, sometimes"  T "Eva you have to love God ALL the time alot, because he is the biggest and the best."

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Big Girl now...

E is our determined little one.  I overheard her with much determinaion telling T "I am a BIG GIRL NOW, not a toddler I go in the big room at kindy now"  E was recently moved from the 'toddler room' to the 'big room' at kindy.  I guess age is determined by what room you are in.