Thursday, May 27, 2010

First Day

Well yesterday my 21 month old baby girl Eva started her first ever day of kindy as I started back at work this week. Now I was having a bit of a stress thinking she wouldn't cope as she is such a mummy's girl. Well can you believe she was perfectly happy, she had the time of her life playing with other little girls and making house in home-corner. Zane said when he picked the children up, she barely acknowledged him and continued on playing, then in the car ride home she was amped and chatty....I think she had a good day. Now she is only going one day a week so it will be interesting to see what happens when I drop Tyler off today to see if she is disappointed that this little 'Miss Social Butterfly' won't be able to stay and play.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Getting Old

We drive past a cemetery almost every day and 4 year old Tyler ALWAYS says "Are all those flowers over there because people got married" Hmmm and every time I try (in an age appropriate way) to explain that the flowers are there because people want to remember and let people know they are loved. Today when the questions started again I tried to explain to him that it is a place where people who have died can be remembered with flowers by those who love them. This started a very interesting conversation about death and ageing. I always try to give Tyler age appropriate honesty....I hope I succeeded.

The conversation went a little like this...
Tyler" When I die will I become something else"
Me "What do you mean"
Tyler "You know like a car, I'd like to be a car"
Me " Ummm no you won't ever be a car'
Tyler "What will I be"
Me "Ummm (Thinking oh crap) You will still be you, you will just be in heaven with Jesus"
Tyler "Will I be a better me, like a really healthy one"
Me "I think you will"
Tyler "I don't want to get old, are Nana and Pa old"
Me "No, they are still young (ish)
Tyler "What will I look like when I get old"
Me " Well I guess a bit like daddy" (Tyler looks ALOT like his daddy)
Tyler (with a laugh) "Will I get hair all over me like daddy"
Me "Probably"
Tyler (still chuckling and processing) "like all OVER me like on my face too"
Me "Yes Tyler:
Tyler "That's funny"

Wow I am glad that conversation ended upbeat

Monday, May 24, 2010


Four year old Tyler has lately been talking about love and all things marriage. First he wanted to marry his little friend at kindy until she declined his invitation. Then he decided that mummy was 'the one' he wanted to marry, but was very sad when daddy told him he couldn't marry mummy as she was already married to daddy. While shopping at ikea Tyler said to me "Mummy I wish I got to marry you first, before Daddy"

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Smelly moments

Early this morning 4 year old Tyler came into our room and wanted to hop into bed with us, after he hopped in it felt pretty tight in our bed so Zane decided to go and sleep in Tyler's bed until it was time to get up. he said to Tyler 'You sleep on my side and give mummy more room, I am going to go sleep in your bed' to which Tyler responded 'Don't wreck my stuff Daddy' Zane said 'No I won't touch your stuff I'm just going to sleep in your bed' and Tyler said 'Well don't make my stuff smelly, cause my bed smells nice' I don't think Tyler is looking forward to smelling like a boy!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What do you do when it is hot?

Tyler and I were talking today about how it is just socially not acceptable to poke your tongue out at someone.
I think he understood the concept of people feeling hurt if you poke your tongue out but somehow Tyler (as usual) found another use for his tongue...he told me he would only poke his tongue out when he was hot. So I guess he thinks he's a dog.